Thursday, 22 June 2012

Rest Day






Choose a sport combination:

Run: 4 x 400m, rest 3 min between intervals; then row, 6 x 250m, rest 90 seconds between

Row: 4 x 500m, rest 3 min between intervals; then run, 6 x 200m, rest 90 seconds between

Bike: 4 x 1200m, rest 3 min between intervals; then run, 6 x 200m, rest 90 seconds between

Swim: 4 x 100m, rest 3 min between intervals; then row, 6 x 250m, rest 90 seconds between


Post choice and total sprint time for each sport to comments


  1. Coach Jimmy says

    Sorry for late post. Got watching “Journey 2” with my girls. Good film!

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