Tuesday, 22 May 2012

There will be a “Open Gym” scheduled for 0830-0930 Tuesday morning.

All members are welcome to come work on skills.

Main WOD:

“Cardio Monster”

For Time:

Row 500m

Run 400m

100 Double Unders

Row 250m

Run 200m

100 Double Unders

Run 400m

Row 500m



Post time to comments

Compare to 10 MAR 12




Gymnastics WOD:


Practice for 10 min:

Handstand hold, Handstand walk, Handstand forward rolls, and/or forward rolls



Hold Bridge up, 3 minutes

Pike stretch, 3 min

Finish with…

6 minutes of any Hip or Back Mobility WOD



Post experiences to comments


  1. lisettecoston says

    32.12. 1/2″ band.

  2. Coach Jimmy says

    13:57 Rx

    Thanks Robert for WOD’n with me.

  3. RhondaG says

    16:49 RX

    Can I just mention that I LOVE to row…NOT!
    Good WOD though!
    Love the open gym time…wish I didn’t have to work….

  4. beckyedwards says

    This was my nightmare WOD! Running plus rowing plus jumping rope. YUCK.

    Not sure what my time was. Over 20 min. I’ve got to learn double-unders!!!

  5. Ethan Dennis says

    19:45 RX

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