Tuesday, 01 May 2012

Main WOD:

Power Clean to 5-rep max Push Press or Push Jerk


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Gymnastics WOD:

Skill: Practice for 10 minutes

Static, freestanding Handstand holds



Hold middle splits for 2 minutes

20 side leg swings, left

20 side leg swings, right

Hold middle splits for 1 minute

20 side leg swings, left

20 side leg swings, right

Hold middle splits for 2 minutes


see GymnasticsWOD.com for video demo


Post handstand and flex experience to comments


  1. dscroggins says

    handstand practice was fun

  2. RhondaG says

    95# – PR on the PP

    Jimmy thanks for the great coaching today. The flexibility and gymnastics are great! Cirque du Soleil …Here we come!

  3. Jaime says

    Did Diane today since I missed it yesterday
    12:27 rx cool

  4. Ethan Dennis says


  5. Coach Jimmy says

    Congrats to Jaime for being the first Rx female on “Diane”!

    185 on Clean to 5-rep Push Jerk
    Work on handstands was great, I worked press handstands.
    Danny, I agree with you on the “ouch”! It is 8 hours later, and I am still feeling the flex work in my hips!!!

  6. Robert says

    135 lbs push jerk working on form.

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