Saturday, 24 March 2012

MP CrossFit, CrossFit of south Tulsa

For Time

400m Run

20 Abmat Butterfly Sit-ups
500m Row
25 Double Unders
200m Run
10 BoxJumps (30/24″)
250m Row

2 rounds

Post time to comments


Choose a sport:

Run, Row, Bike, or Swim

Run: 3 x 1200m, rest 3 min

Row: 3 x 1500m, rest 3 min
Bike: 3 x 2 miles, rest 3 min
Swim: 3 x 300m, rest 3 min
Post sport and total sprint time to comments


  1. 18:25 Rx. Thanks Tracie for doing this WOD with me and congrats to all who did the open. Well done!

  2. 342 burpees-43:58.

  3. Miss you guys. Ran two miles along the Sea of Galilee this morning.

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