Wednesday, 16 November 2011

“Terrible 30’s”

30 Calories Rowed

30 Box Jumps (20″)

30 Sit-ups

30 Handstand Push-ups

30 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups

30 Sit-ups

30 Walking Lunges w/ plate overhead (45/25)

30 Ring Dips

30 Calories Rowed

30 Burpees

For Time

Post time to comments


We will be starting in heats. First heat will start 15 minutes after class starts.


  1. 36:47 RX+ (ABFSU)

  2. 34:47 Rx with abmat sit ups

  3. 21:03 Rx
    The Burpees were surprisingly tough. I almost ate floor a few times!

  4. 26:06 MOD
    CTB PLU w/Thong
    Ring Dips w/Thong
    HSPU w/toes on ledge

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