Friday, 26 August 2011

The “after WOD discussion group”


21-15-9 rep rounds of:

Thrusters (95/65)


For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 26 APR 10


  1. 8:56 RX (except used a 2 riser depth target)

  2. Justin Gassaway says

    45# thrusters

  3. YAY!!! first wod without a boot in a while. I did pull downs instead of pullups and 45 lb thrusters 6:00

  4. 6:56 RX Finished the sets of 21 in 2 minutes before total disintegration on the round of 15.

  5. Rhonda G says

    7:04 RX
    Fran IS a 4-letter word!! I'm still shaking!!

    YAY for Jaime!! Glad you are finally "bootless"

    Congrats to Lisette!! on her 5 RX PLU's in warm-up!!

  6. MP Jimmy says

    4:16 Rx (no depth target and jumping to PLU bar)

    I agree with Rhonda, "Fran is a 4-letter word!"
    Jumping up to grab a 8' bar for the PLU's was not a highlight!

    Congratz to "Janamal" for first Rx Fran! Also to Lisette on 5 Rx PLU's!

  7. 7:35 rx beat my pr of 7:41! 🙂 I'll take that!
    Rhonda you are all that is woman hear her roar! Great job!!
    Congrats Janimal and Lisette!!! Don't mess with MPCF ladies! They'll kick your kettle bell 🙂

  8. 8.32
    57# thrusters
    Green band PLU

  9. 7:30 Rx—Ronda…I am impressed. Welcome back to my worthy adversary—Jaime

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