Tuesday, 05 April 2011



Post max loads to comments

Compare to:

19 JUN 10 – 1 rep

20 APR 10 – 3 rep


Choose a sport:

Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 4 x 400m, rest 4 min

Row: 4 x 500m, rest 4 min

Bike: 4 x 1 mile, rest 4 min

Swim: 4 x 25 m/y, rest 4 min

Post sport and total sprint time to comments


  1. 325 lbs. PR by 25 lbs.

  2. Rhonda G says

    135 lbs

    Great job wonder woman Patrice!! Look out CF Senior division 2012!! Here she comes!! Also Susan and Coby I think I saw that bar bending just a little in the middle!! Great work there too 🙂

  3. MP Jimmy says

    385lbs – 3 rep
    405lbs – last success

    I jumped to 425. Lifted half way and felt a twinge in the back, so I let it drop. Need more heavy work!

    Congratz to all the PR's today!

  4. 217#

    30# PR! I had 200# goal and surpassed!

  5. 227#. That's all I've got.

  6. Brandy says

    145 3 reps PR by 30lbs!!
    157 1 rep

  7. Carmen says

    147 # 3 rep max
    162 # 1 rep max

  8. Vernice says

    155# 3 rep max
    165# 1 rep max
    22 lbs under my max… like I told Jimmy, the bar just wouldn't come up off the floor!

    Great job to all the PRs.

  9. 265 1 rep max, failed at 275

  10. Brandy says

    Oh it was 147 lb for 3 reps. Clips added more !

  11. Patrice says

    145. This morning my back is still telling me I lifted, but it was worth it. On top of that I have a cold so Wednesday will be my rest day. That was a fun WOD.

  12. 247 1 rep!
    It was ugly but it happened!

  13. Robert says

    315 1 rep
    295 3 rep

  14. Stacy J says

    same as Amber
    265 1 rep max, failed at 275

    not a PR

  15. Melanie said…

    195 lbs. 1 rep

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