Tuesday, 09 March 2010


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  1. http://www.nextgenerationcrossfit.com/south_central_sectionals/
    This is the web page for the sectionals

    **Sectionals Weekend Schedule


    1. 8am-6pm–Set up equipment all day.
    2. 5pm-8pm–General check-in at Next Generation Crossfit (volunteers, judges, athletes)
    3. 5pm-8pm–T-Shirt Sales
    4. 7pm–Judges Meeting @ SCS Site


    1. 7am—Check-in (Athletes, Spectators, Judges, Volunteers)
    2. 7:45am—National Anthem
    3. 8:00am—First Heat Begins First Event (On the dot!)
    4. 10:00am—Sale of hot food begins
    5. 1:00pm—Break for one hour
    6. 2:00pm—First Heat Begins Second Event (On the dot!)
    7. 6:00pm—Dismissal Begins


    1. 7am—Check-in (Athletes, Spectators, Judges, Volunteers)
    2. 7:45am—National Anthem
    3. 8:00am—First Heat Begins Third and Final Event (On the dot!)
    4. 1:00pm—Break
    5. 2:00pm—Awards Ceremony
    6. 2:30pm—Dismissal, Equipment & T-shirt Sales
    7. 3:00pm—Tear Down Begins

  2. Melanie said…

    Thanks, Amber, for giving us the information!!! 🙂


    Great job everybody!

  3. 5-185

    Thanks for the help Erin! Great job Robert and Melanie! Too easy!

  4. 155 x5
    175 x5
    185 x3
    195 x3
    205 x1
    225 x1 PR! say yeah…..

    Rhonda, many prayers coming your way!

    Amber, thanks for the sectional info. I work this Sat. and will not make it.

    Congrats to 0630!! Lots of PRs set today.

    Lastly, thanks Erin for putting up with us.

  5. Don't know what the first round was, but ended with 245 pounds. Richard did 315!

    Rhonda, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Anne, keep up the recovery.

  6. Melanie said…

    Rhonda, I hope your dad has a better day today. I will continue to pray for him and your family. 🙂

  7. can't remember how much I added each round. Started at 185 and finished at 235. Beat my 1 rep max by 10 lb.cool.

  8. Robert says

    295–failed twice

    Thanks to Danny,Erin and Melanie for the encouragement–DL still a work in progress for me.

  9. Stacy J says

    Started at 185 and ended with 270. Like Jaime I can't remember the ones in between.

    270 lbs PR

  10. Great job today everyone! You all made huge jumps today in DL prs!! You all rock!!
    We are praying for you Rhonda
    and can't wait to see you again anne!
    PS u did CFE wod today didn't wanna rescrape up te shin!
    Row 3x (250, 500, 750) with rest the amt in btw it took to do each rd

  11. Vernice says

    started at 135, ended at 175. This was 12lbs below my PR.. oh well
    Rhonda, hope your dad is doing better.
    Myhprayer are with you and our fam.

  12. Vernice says

    Rhonda, my prayers are with you and YOUR fam… not OUR fam..
    It is late and I should proof my posts!!

  13. patricelott says

    I did 155, up from my last PR of 129. Thanks, Erin for the encouragement. It works to not think!
    My prayers to you and your family, Rhonda.

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