Wednesday, 04 November 2009

“Memory Lane”

3 rounds for time

21 Knees to Elbows **
21 Kettlebell Swings (45)
21 Push-ups
21 Box Jumps (20)
21 Sit-ups (unanchored)
21 Walking Lunges (each leg)
21 Double Unders (4:1 singles)

Post time to comments

**If you cannot do them properly, use one of the modifications. Mod 1 is a 1.5:1 (31). Mod 2 is a 2:1 (42). If you cannot do the modifications, do the 3:1 SU (63). Review the video: Kipping, like Brenden (male), does them is OK. Kipping, like Annie (female), does them is not OK.


  1. Congrats to the 5:30am class – across the board RX today!!!

    47:12 Rx!
    (My very first Rx WOD with double unders!)

  2. 33:46 Rx!!! Way to go everyone. Congrats Angie.

  3. Angie you were a rock star and Congratulations!!! And to all you 5:30 guys for the RX board. WELL DONE…No RX for me but maybe a PR buried somewhere.

    Mod 1 K2E
    12" Box Jumps
    25 lb KBS

    Thanks Erin for the encouragement!

  4. 34:43 (?) RX

  5. Help! How do I shorten my jumprope? I got the handle off but how do I get the "rope" out of the connector?

    Mod1 K2E
    17" box
    35# KB

  6. duh…never mind….

  7. LOL – Susan you crack me up!!!

  8. MP Jimmy says

    I was able to get away from the Trainees and do this one!

    24:37 RX

    Good job everyone!

  9. MP Jimmy says

    Congratz Angie on the DU's!! Proud of ya!

  10. 26:20 RX

    Great job everybody!

  11. 22:47 Rx–nice work 0530 class. The doubles were flying this am!

  12. awesome job everyone!!! (like seeing more posts 😉 great job today Angie on DUs and the 6:30s and 8:30s on doing K2Es!!!

  13. Melanie said….

    29:45/35lb kb/knee pu/17" box/singles

    Great job everyone!!!! Thanks, Erin, for encouraging us and helping us everyday!

  14. 35:something..
    first time to try actual K2E, i did 2 to 1 because elbows didn't come all the way up. This move was completely different than substituting with situps…
    Thanks for the help today Erin.
    Great job EVERYONE for just doing it.

  15. well i actually meant my knees didn't come all the way up.. my elbows were already too far up!

  16. hhaUkA943sYt6eAL_.qtpIt_4todtfM- says

    41:44 rx


  17. patricelott says

    my time: 38:17
    I tried the knees to elbows but they only come up to my waist but I'll keep working on it

  18. 32:23 singles

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