Thursday, 17 September 2009

Continuing to remember the lives lost and lives changed
on September 11, 2001.


21-15-9 reps of:

Thruster (95/65)

Post time to comments

Compare to 27 FEB 09


  1. 14:49 – Rx – First time prescribed. Last Fran was 75 lbs. Great job Ben, Jim, and Robert – all first-time Rx's.

  2. Congrats to all of you first time Rx boys!! Great work!!

    9:02 1" band
    weak 🙁

  3. 6:27 Rx Great job everybody.

  4. I have asked Jimmy if he will post Fran again in about a month or so, because I really want to do it Rx and I think my shoulder will be back to normal by then.

    Hold your applause. Ya'll can thank me later. 😉

  5. 5:30 guys ROCKED! Well done on the RX!

    1 – 30 lb
    2 – 45 lb
    3" band

  6. 7:38 Rx

    Great job Ben, John and Jim! Danny (not an Rx virgin like the rest of us), you too were rockin Fran today–great time.

    I always knew Angie and Fran were ya know tight…

    I will look forward to our date with Fran next month and watching Angie Rx.

  7. 9:22 RX

  8. 11:58 RX

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